sdStor Report Storage and Retrieval System Copyright 2002 by Allen Miglore. All rights reserved. sdStor is a trademark of Synergetic Data Systems Inc. Published under license by: Synergetic Data Systems Inc. 2195 Talon Drive Latrobe, CA 95682 Phone: (530)-672-9970, Fax: (530)-672-9975 Email: Web: Releases: Version 1.0.01 released Apr 21, 2003 Version 1.0.02 released Sep 11, 2003 Version 1.0.03 released March 1, 2004 Version 1.0.04 released October 8, 2004 Corrections: 1.0.02 4/25/03 - corrected an error in the Windows client when editing the user library access table if no records currently exist. 9/10/03 - corrected a timing error where a gzipped file was not available in the file system in time for a test of availability caused a drop through to other compressions, ultimately resulting in an error 12 at 4750 and a loss of the report in the archive. 1.0.03 2/17/04 - Added support for redirection on the -e error reporting file, so it is possible to do something like '-e >>/tmp/sdstorc.errlog' on the sdstorc command line (on Unix only). 3/1/04 - Added more file system wait logic to gzip/compress result pickup in order to prevent error 13 line 5020 problems. 1.0.04 5/18/04 - Corrected a problem when many deletes were performed at once or over the life of a session in the Windows client, where ultimately an error 16 would be generated by the server. 8/9/04 - Modified some code that could potentially cause an error 27, line 4730, in armain. 10/8/04 - Added support for UnForm 6 execution. 10/8/04 - Added parameter options to speed up gui client connections on ProvideX-based servers. 1.0.05 5/9/05 - Added a field "keywords" to the -fields option, for use when scanning libaries from the command line.